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Shin splints

If the shin throbs and pains after running or sprinting, it could most probably be because of shin splints. Some doctors call it the medial tibial stress syndrome, which arises due to the stress on the shinbone and connective tissues that attach the muscles to the bones.

Common causes of shin splints

Shin splints are commonly termed as overstraining of the muscles attached to the shin. An increase in running, change of running shoes, and jogging/running on hard surfaces can cause this condition to happen. It is related to overuse and overtraining because of the poor biomechanics of the foot. Tenderness, soreness or pain along the inner side of your shinbone and mild swelling in the lower leg are signs of shin splints.
The pain might stop when exercising is stopped and this condition can heal on its own, but if it persists for more than a week or if there is severe pain, then only medical experts can help.
Some of the common causes include:
• Over-pronation of the feet
• Excessive supination
• Inappropriate or uneven footwear
• Increase in physical training
• Running on hard or angled surfaces
• Decreased flexibility at the ankle joint
• Poor gluteal control while walking
• Poor core stability
• Tight calf muscles or hamstrings
• Weak quadriceps

Watch our video to learn more about Shin Splints


Common symptoms of Shin Splints

Shin splints can cause dull and aching pain in the lower leg after physical activities like running or sprinting. A feeling of vulnerability and weakness in the shin bone and pain upon touching are sure symptoms.
The symptoms can be categorized into different stages to easily recognize the condition:
• Initial discomfort that disappears during the warm-up
• A feeling of discomfort that reappears at the end of the activity
• Discomfort or pain that worsens with physical activity associated with the legs

Treatment for Shin Splints

Shin Splints can be annoying and incessantly painful. They are not dangerous initially, but if left untreated, can lead to serious medical conditions like stress fractures that will take a long time to heal.
Soft tissue massage, trigger-point therapy, dry needling, and home exercise to stretch and strengthen the muscles are some of the best treatments available for this condition.
Our physiotherapists at Mount Isa Physiotherapy have a wide variety of options available to get rid of this medical condition for good. But reasons like inactivity and being overweight can trigger the problems again. Advice and tips will be provided to the patient to avoid the recurrence of this condition. Contact us now to learn more about how we can help treat your shin splints, or to book an appointment.